Monday, November 2, 2009

This Has to be the Last Straw..............Right?

My son asked me not to speak of anything to Claudius other than what he told me to and that is exactly what I did. At that point I did not think things could get anyworse and sure enough they do. Following the death of Polonius, Opehlia just could not help he and she went crazy, she simply lost it. I tried to comfort her, but I feared to she was to far gone for anyone to help her. And was I ever right. I just went dow to the river to find her floating in the water, dead. It seemed that she had escaped somehow and had either drowned herself or had gotten tangled up in her cloting and drowned.Either way, the site just broke my heart and Hamlet has been sent away and does not know of her death, if he did I fear it would break his heart. I loved her like I a daughter and now she is gone. Why does it seem like everyone I am close to is dying, I am beginning to feel like it is me. But either way I can not take anymore. My hope is that nothing else happens but we will see.

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