Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What a day, no not even a day, what a month. In a months time my husband has died and I have remarried. I can't say that I am not sad because I am and I do miss him but you can not dwell on things forever, you have to move on. I guess that sounds bad on my part and that I did not love him but I did, but this oppurtunity came up which allowed me to still be queen and who could pass that up.
So, anyway, I married Claudius, my brother-in-law, because he was voted in by the people to be king and he asked me to marry him. Hamlet is not happy about the matter but what can you do, he wants to mourn and I am trying to move on with my life. You can not please everyone. But anyway I must get off of here and go and talk to my husband. Tomorrow is always a new day.

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